Saturday, May 26, 2007

What makes you spiritual

Everyone says they are spiritual these days. I'm tired of it. I'm a pastor but would never refer to myself as spiritual - partly because it's way over used and partly because I think it's a dumb term. But for argument sake, I'll use the term.

Just because you have a tattoo with a Chinese character on it doesn't make you spiritual.

Just because you send me those emails to forward on about Jesus doesn't do it either.

Eating organic food or being a vegetarian doesn't make you spiritual.

Having huge theories about life and sharing them with everyone that will listen doesn't make you spiritual.

In my eyes, what makes someone that you would call spiritual, is when their moral life is lived out with integrity in their everyday lives. If you DO what you believe when no one else is watching and no one is there to listen to your theories, that's being spiritual.

But that doesn't mean you're going to heaven. THAT is another day's blog.

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