Friday, March 30, 2007

how i've stayed happily married

With Kathleen being away for the weekend and being a bachelor again for a time, I thought I'd pass on a few things that I've found helpful in the past 10 years.

-Who cares who is right? 99% of the time, it doesn't matter.
-She's a little messy. I stink sometimes. Don't sweat the small stuff.
-Find ways to laugh. At yourselves, each other, other people - whatever.
-Life isn't fair. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's her. In the end, it'll balance out.
-Celebrate your differences and encourage the other to have a life of their own.
-Flexibility. I learned this more when I had kids but being willing to change is always good.
-Keep learning and growing. It's easy to feel bored when you aren't doing anything new.
-I get by with a lot of help from my friends. Find some. Invest in them. No one has all their needs met by their spouse.
-Find ways to show she means more than whatever else. Life is always more urgent, more pressing, more important - until it's too late. Make time, spend money - whatever.
-Pray. Lots. For yourself. For her. For courage to do the other 9 things above.

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