Friday, June 21, 2019

3am musings

It’s 330am and I can’t sleep because I have a headache. Reading over past blogs, I’ve progressively gotten more serious so I thought I’d blog about something I haven’t for some time - poker. Now I don’t get to play much anymore so in case I ever forget, here’s some things to remember:

1)  don’t play fancy with beginners. They don’t know what you are pretending to have so playing fancy doesn’t work. They don’t have poker logic so they will do illogical stuff like look up a bluff when they really shouldn’t be. So play straight. If you’re going to bluff, it doesn’t need to be too much. If they want to look you up, they will whether it’s a pot sized bet or not.

2) play the person not the cards. If you are the best poker player at the table, people will want to beat you so odds are they will try to play fancy. If you play straight and tight, you’ll win. Don’t let them goad you into something. If they are loud and impatient people, they tend to play erratic and impatient. Look them up on occasion - they often don’t have the cards. They just have FOMO so they stay in. If they are quiet and reserved, they tend to play that way too. If they represent something, they usually have it. You can probably push them off lots of pots just by betting and representing big cards. They’ll fold if they don’t have it. Bet early and get information cheap.

3) change you style during the game. Know your table image. If people think you’re aggressive, play tight for a while. Once they see you playing tight, play aggressive occasionally. Give people a tell that isn’t a tell just to mess with them. Talk lots then not at all for nothing to do with your cards.

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