Tuesday, August 4, 2015

my last birthday reflections

People don't normally wake up on their birthday and want to write long reflections on facebook but for some reason, that was me today.

For those that don't know, this past year was one of my more personally challenging.  Long story short, I've struggled with a head injury that made even the simplest things like driving, reading, talking, remembering things almost impossible.  This led to a lot of days of quiet isolation wondering when - and even if - things would change and what they would look like when they did.  While things are not the 'same', I'm most thankful this birthday that things are much better.  Maybe that's why I'm writing this reflection?  Because a few months ago, I physically couldn't have.  This note is more for me than for you - but feel free to look through the window to my life.

Some observations:

  • Most people I ran across didn't have any idea that anything was wrong but what people didn't know is that even the simplest things were difficult for a long time.  I remember knowing that I needed to pick up a couple things from the grocery store so I saved up all my energy all morning, drove to the store and came home with a massive headache to sleep for 3 hours.  We always assume we know what other people are going through - but I'm learning that we really don't.  Be kind to everyone.  Assume the best not the worst in others.
  • Weakness: I'm proud.  I hate not being able to do things for myself or asking for help.  Naming that took the most courage and strength.  It got a lot easier after that.
  • When I was incapacitated, people would say, "at least you have some time to relax".  The irony is that was the furthest thing from the truth.  What I wanted more than anything was to be able to go to work.  I wanted to feel productive.  I wanted to contribute to others.  I wanted to tick something off a list and to go to sleep at night knowing that something changed as a result of my time.  Work is a gift.  No matter what kind of work we do - be thankful for being able to do it.  In those dark times when I wondered if I'd ever be able to work again, I'd happily have taken the worst Monday at any job I've ever had instead of being where I was.
  • Our bodies are amazing.  I take for granted that I can communicate with others, appreciate the world around me through five senses.  It's astounding that our little brains can process all that information and make it useful to us. 
  • On medication: to those that are antimedication, that's your choice.  Please don't make assumptions about those that do.  It's given me my life back and frankly, I don't really care if pharmaceutical companies make money from me at this point.  And if eating organic food and sleeping better would fix it, I'd much rather choose that.  In case that sounds judging, those that know me know that I hate taking meds.
  • The worst period of time with this injury was over a year after my concussion.  It came right out of the blue.  Life is fragile.  Things aren't fair and they usually don't make sense.  I'm not sure why we expect that they should.  Make the most of your time.  It's the most valuable commodity any of us has. 
  • While things come out of the blue for me, I'm thankful that they don't for God.  I'm not the slightest bit bitter about what's happened to me because this life isn't really about me.  If God can use this injury to bless my kids and wife - if God can encourage a friend - if God can make me a better man - then I'd happily take it again.  The best news about my faith is that I don't wonder IF God can - it's a promise.
  • As hard as everything has been for me, it's been hardest on my family and close friends.  Seeing your husband, dad, friend struggling is much harder than going through it yourself I think - his personality changed - his mood swings and unpredictability - his forgetfulness and unreliability, his depression.  When I tell my story, I get empathy.  My family doesn't get to tell their story.  There are so many people that I need to thank for your patience and grace - but none more than Kathleen, my kids, my brother and his family.  But to my close friends who continue to walk with me through this, thanks for being there - for your protectiveness and love.  (I hope you know who you are because if you don't, I've already forgotten.  I have a head injury remember)
If you've read this far, you're a true friend and deserve a friendship medal.  How am I doing now?  A lot better.  I feel like myself again but with a few losses along the way.  I've had to withdraw from my doctoral studies.  Things take a lot longer to do.  I'm an extrovert that can't be extraverted.  I'll never reach my full potential as a professional athlete.  But I'm living a thankful day at a time.  Even if I don't get another one, I'm thankful for the 15706 that I've already had.

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