Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Most forming times

God's greatest life changers the past 10 years: (in no order)

-Having kids. I never knew how much God loves me until I think about how much I love my kids. I never knew what trust meant either. Or how selfish I am.

-Going through the trials of marriage. It's amazing how anyone could be so patient, so enduring, so forgiving knowing what she knows. I don't think I'd marry me and I'm my biggest fan. I can't even imagine God's love.

-Kris Davidson - a friend that I regret not knowing better until after he died. An example of humility, loving faithfulness and genuineness. His ministry hasn't stopped - if I could be half the man that he was.

-St. Andrew's Duncan - a church that taught me what church can be. One that depends on God, prays like there's nothing else that matters. Genuine and real. Worship was regularly transforming and transforming - for the staff as much as the congregation.

-My Sabbatical - Is there anything else that I could do for a living? Yes. Is there anything else that I would want to do? No. I'm a pastor and there's nothing better. Is there anything that is more exciting than a day with my kids? Yes. Is there anything that is remotely close to as rewarding? No. I'm a dad and that's the greatest thing EVER. Is it hard to be home while Kathleen works? Sometimes. But there's nothing better than seeing her proliferate in her calling and passion and to know that somehow, I had a small part in enabling that to happen.
Are there regrets in my life? Many. But God is faithful, forgiving, gracious and I belong to Him. I wouldn't change a thing.

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