Tuesday, April 27, 2010

getting older

Today is my birthday and I'm totally okay with it. Somethings I've changed these past 10 years:

-I'm very content being me. 10 years ago, I was playing volleyball 3-4x a week, tournaments every weekend, working out every day. Now, I'm retired from volleyball and couldn't last a tournament if I tried. Working out every day just isn't a big priority anymore. I'm never going to be a star athlete - or even very coordinated - but I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I'm never going to be 6'2", 200lbs, cut/ripped/whatever you want to call it - and that's just fine. I'm not the best looking, best dressed, funniest, wealthiest, smartest - but I'm discovering how meaningless that stuff really is. I'm happy being me.

-I never knew how tough life could be 10 years ago. But I also never knew how great life could be. I suspect that will be the case 10 years from now. I'm very okay with that.

-During both really good times and really bad times, I think they will last forever. The truth is that things are never as bad as I think they are and they are probably not ever as good as I think they are. Life ebbs and flows. That's good with me.

-What used to make me really happy was connecting on a really nice set around 2 blockers (or with no blocker!) to win a volleyball tournament. What makes me happy now is a game winning goal in a tight hockey game. But I'd trade that in for 5 minutes on the couch with a kid in each arm. Right now, I get that every day. There isn't a luckier man around.

-Someone once told me that marriage gets better with time. In some ways, it gets easier. In some ways, it's harder. But in every way, it's better.

-10 years ago, I had a lot of what if's. I don't know what happened but I don't really care about the 'what if's' anymore because the 'what are's' are pretty amazing.

1 Cor 13 ends with saying that of all the meaningless things of this life, there's only three things that really matter - faith, hope and love. The older I get, the more I agree with that and it's all good with me.

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